April 30th...

Measure off a distance that is about about 30 yards (1 yard equals 3 feet) 

WOD- For Time- 12 minute time cap

*30 Jumping Jacks

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

*30 Jump Switch Lunges (15 each leg) 

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

*30 Push Ups

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

* 30 second squat hold or wall sit

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

* 30 second elbow plank

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

* 30 plank shoulder taps (15 on each shoulder) 

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

* 30 two foot, side to side hops (quick)

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

*30 two foot, front to back hops (quick) 

Run 30 yds down and back (60 total) 

*30 Burp....I mean Jumping Jacks